Yamas and Niyamas

Before lock down I used to spend too much money on clothes. During lock down I realized the niyama of santosha, contentment. Simple living really gives peace to the mind that I could feel.

Priyanka, Delhi

My new focus is looking attentively at santosha and aparigraha. I feel it is becoming most important to live a simple life, not only for our own spirituality, but for humankind. Not being greedy and to live happy with minimum requirements is really necessary for our environment and the future of our children. The stillness of the lock down and satyamyogaprasad App reminded me of that.

Doris Flaender, Germany

I have adopted the IDY program, I keep a SWAN diary, get up earlier, try to use less water and plastic and use used water for cleaning and watering plants. I practise the yamas and niyamas, forgiving others and myself and remembering to be human.

Swami Kriyamurti, Germany

Besides the yoga practices, I realized it was a time to practise:

  • attention – what is the situation, what is the danger
  • cleanliness – in general and in regard to the virus
  • acceptance – you have to stay at home
  • discipline – keep distance, wear a mask, wash your hands, touch only what is essential
  • flexibility – there are new rules you have to follow
  • adaptation – everyday routine changed significantly
  • contentment – we could purchase what we needed, spend this period at home in the countryside, we had beautiful weather and the internet to keep in touch.

I felt stable and relaxed, because I knew and experienced that yogic principles are showing the way to cope with these hard times.

Woman in her forties, Hungary

When physical movement was decreased and the time spent online was increased, it was vital to practise danti and indriya nigraha. The tendency of the mind was to browse through news and see how the situation developed. There was lobha for news. It was not easy to keep a good measure. The mind wanted information and due to the amount of information available, I could spend lots of time reading information, opinions which also created negativity. The attitude of danti and indriya nigraha helped to keep browsing and the brooding which followed at a healthy level. I will definitely work to further integrate them in my lifestyle.

Sannyasi Anandaratna, Switzerland