The teachings of Swami Sivananda will be presented in Yoga during the year 2009. In the current issue, he guides aspirants on the basics of living a spiritual life.
Twenty Important Spiritual Instructions
Yama & Niyama: The Path of Ethical Discipline
Basic Guidelines for Yogic Practices
This issue of Yoga focuses on Swami Sivanandas teachings on mind management.
Yogic Understanding of the Mind
The Interrelationship of Mind, Prana and Body
This issue of Yoga is dedicated to the activities of Sivananda Math, Rikhiapeeth, including Sat Chandi Mahayajna and Yoga Poornima 2008.
Activities of Sivananda Math: Rikhiapeeth 2008
Annapurna Kshetram Kanya Kitchen
Activities of Sivananda Datavya Chikitsalaya in Year 2008
The Evolution of Yajna at Rikhiapeeth
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati
Yoga Poornima: Journey into Luminosity
Swami Suryaprakash Saraswati
This issue of Yoga focuses on Swami Sivanandas teachings on seva and karma yoga.
This issue of Yoga focuses on Swami Sivanandas teachings on bhakti and upasana.
The Path of Bhakti and Upasana
Prayer: Calling forth the Force
This issue of Yoga focuses on Swami Sivanandas teachings on mantra and music.
This issue of Yoga focuses on Swami Sivanandas teachings on guru and disciple.
This issue of Yoga focuses on Swami Sivanandas teachings on prana and pranayama.
Importance and Benefits of Pranayama
This issue of Yoga focuses on Swami Sivanandas teachings on raja yoga and sadhana.
Sadhana: the Ladder of Transformation
This issue of Yoga focuses on Swami Sivanandas teachings on jnana yoga.
Satsangs at Rikhiapeeth
This issue of Yoga is dedicated to satsangs given by Swami Satyananda at Rikhiapeeth during the years 1998 and 2000.
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