Reflections on Guru
- Guru is your electric lift. He lifts you to the peak of perfection.
- A more loving, benign, gracious and beloved person can hardly be found
in this world than the true preceptor.
- The binding force between guru and disciple must be pure love.
- The company of guru is a question of supply and demand. If there is
sincere demand the supply will come at once; this is an inexorable law
of nature.
- Darshan of guru removes all darkness and gives immense joy.
- A disciple considers the actions; the guru weighs the intentions and
- Do not act according to the dictates of your lower mind. Act according
to the words of your guru.
- To have complete obedience to guru is a difficult task, but by trying
with sincerity it becomes easy.
- Every unpleasant incident in life is a test of your trust in guru.
- He who endures all the difficulties while serving his guru conquers
his lower nature.
- The guru awakens the divine potentialities of the disciple.
- A hypocritical disciple obeys the guru from fear. The true disciple
obeys the guru with pure love, for loves sake.
- If the heart of the disciple is not satisfied, it shows that obedience
to guru is not fully observed by the disciple.
- Your offerings please guru according to your zeal and bhava, feeling,
and not according to their nature.
- Gurus grace cannot be attained by mere mechanical prostration.
It can be obtained only when one translates his teachings into life.
- The disciple is more united with guru while personally serving him
than while meditating in a solitary cave of the Himalayas.
- The disciples life becomes a dreary waste and loses its effulgence
when he loses faith in guru.
- If you cannot see God in guru, in who then will you see God?