On 20th June Swami Shivadhyanam participated in a webinar organized jointly by Shiksha Sanskriti Uthhan Nyas, New Delhi, and Munger University on the ‘Role of Yoga and Ayurveda in ancient Indian health consciousness’ to commemorate the International Day of Yoga. In his speeach, he highlighted the importance of a regulated yogic lifestyle.

On 22nd July, Swami Shivadhyanam represented Bihar Yoga Bharati in a webinar sponsored by the Indian Council of Philosophical Research and organized by PG Centre of Philosophy,
T.P.S. College, a constituent unit of Pataliputra University, Patna, to celebrate the International Day of Yoga. The subject of the webinar was ‘Significance of Yoga in Present Context’. In his speech to the over 800 participants of the webinar, Swami Shivadhyanam elaborated on the lifestyle and sadhana aspects of yoga and explained how simple lifestyle adjustments along with practices of hatha and raja yoga can improve physical health, vitality, immunity as well as mental peace, balance and positivity.

On 30th August, Swami Shivadhyanam spoke in a webinar organized by Ghantali Mitra Mandal, Thane, on the occasion of the first punyatithi of its founder Swami Satyakarmananda (Sri Krishna Vyavahare). The theme of the webinar was ‘Journey from Yoga Practitioner to Yoga Applicator’. Paying his respects to Swami Satyakarmananda on behalf of BSY, Swami Shivadhyanam recalled his long and fruitful association with Sri Swamiji, Swamiji and BSY, and his contributions in the field of socially relevant yoga projects. Speaking on the applications of yoga at the personal, social and ecological levels, Swami Shivadhyanam also highlighted some of the practical programs and apps developed by BSY to help people overcome the problems generated by the present pandemic.

On 24th September, Swami Shivadhyanam interacted with the Honourable Prime Minsiter of India at a virtual Fit India Dialogue organized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports on the first
anniversary of its Fit India movement. In response to the questions posed by the Honourable PM, Swami Shivadhyanam highlighted the spirit of service and renunciation as exemplified in the lives of Swami Sivananda, Swami Satyananda and Swami Niranjanananda which acts as the inspiration, and the gurukul system of education that acts as the driving force behind the Bihar Yoga movement.

On 22nd November, Swami Shivadhyanam was the Keynote Speaker at a webinar on ‘Positivity and Yogic Lifestyle’ organized by Rotary Club of Patna. In his speech, Swami Shivadhyanam elucidated on key aspects of yogic lifetyle such as awareness, restraint, discipline, lifestyle yamas niyamas and yogic capsules that help in maintaining harmony, happiness and positivity in life.