
Swami Satyananda Saraswati

People may work for an organization, run a business, steal, lie or speak truthfully. Everything they do is either for themselves or their dear ones, but not for the sake of strangers. The human race is inherently selfish, but the rest of creation is selfless: a fruit tree gives fruit, a river gives water, a cow gives milk and her hide is used after she has died. Similarly, people need to benefit others by performing selfless work and share their wealth, knowledge and power. When work is done to help others prosper and profit, it is selfless and pure.

The level of detachment and renunciation may be difficult to understand, but it is the essence of seva. Satkarma is the teaching and essence of the Bhagavad Gita. Sat means truth and karma means action. Satkarma is dharma, doing good acts and earning divine merits. Serving one’s husband, wife and children is karma. Feeding the hungry or helping a poor person is shatkarma, selfless, good and divine. Satkarma is any act that helps a person physically, mentally, spiritually, monetarily or in any way that is required.

One’s dharma is to serve humanity and to be with those who need love. One should help those who are seeking spiritual life and those who are sick, poor and neglected. Animals should be helped and not killed. There is no karma when work is done for others, but there is karma when work is done for oneself. Of course, one must work a little bit for oneself in order to have food, clothes, comforts and a few facilities. However, one’s strength, intelligence, mind, heart, soul, money, knowledge, power, resources and friends should be used for the welfare of others.

Enjoyment and happiness come from giving and sharing with people who are unhappy. This is the central teaching of Jesus Christ, Saint Francis, Gautama Buddha, Mahavir, Mahatma Gandhi, and every intelligent human being.