One should try to acquire the power of closing oneself against detrimental or undesirable influences by making oneself positive by a particular attitude of the mind. By so doing, one may be receptive to higher impulses of the soul within and to higher forces and influences from without. By making a suggestion to oneself, ‘I close myself to all things below; I make myself positive and open and receptive to all higher influences, to all things above,’ by taking this attitude of the mind, consciously, now, then it soon becomes a habit. The lower and undesirable influences from both the seen and the unseen side of life are closed out while the higher influences are invited.
In the degree that they are invited, they will enter. In the mind there is doubt; there is reality also. One will have to cultivate ideas and ground them till they are firmly fixed and implanted. Clarification of ideas will remove perplexity and confusion in the mind. When a doubt arises, ‘whether there is God or not, whether I will succeed in self realization or not’, it must be dispelled by well-directed suggestions and affirmations such as: ‘It is true. I will succeed. There is no doubt of this’.
In my dictionary, in my vocabulary, there are no such words as: ‘I can’t’, ‘it is impossible’, ‘it is difficult’. Everything is possible under the sun. Nothing is difficult when one strongly makes up one’s mind. Strong determination and firm resolution brings sanguine success in every affair or undertaking.