Happiness – Satyanandashram Hellas (Greece)

Lessons of Life Series Sri Swami Satyananda’s Teachings

From January to December – live and online, a monthly 12 part series was conducted, titled Sri Swami Satyananda: Lessons of Life with Swami Sivamurti Saraswati. The series is dedicated to the life, teachings and work of Sri Swami Satyananda.

Themes include: Maha Sivaratri and overcoming suffering, Women and Sannyasa, Ashram life, Yogic lifestyle, Agaman, Bhakti Aradhana and little acts of kindness, Acceptance, Cultivating Happiness, Guru Bhakti, Overcoming Problems, Deepening Awareness and Mind Management.

People from various countries visiting the ashram and those who cannot travel due to distance have been enjoying this series as it honours the legacy of our beloved guru. Much inspiration and knowledge is gained; it is also motivating the participants to create their own projects in their countries on the principles of Serve, Love, Give.

Lessons of Life Seminar from the Teachings of Sri Swami Satyananda

On 1st October, an online lecture was organized in association with the Bulgarian Yoga Association. Wisdom about love and caring was shared. The deep benefits of seva yoga was imbibed and participants felt that the idea of seva as the ‘purpose of life’ touched them deeply.

Bhakti Aradhana

January to December 2023, live and online programs were conducted:

  • Every 4th, 5th, 6th of the month, Guru Bhakti Yoga, The Yoga of Remembrance
  • January 11th Swami Niranjanananda’s Initiation Day
  • 18th and 19th February, Maha Sivaratri
  • 22nd June, Agaman
  • 2nd–6th July, Guru Poornima and Connecting to the Source; the ashram hosted over 200 people from all around Europe as well as hundreds of well-wishers who came for the day over the 5 day celebrations.
  • 8th–12th September, Satyananda Shivir
  • 7th May, Sangha TD (Teachers Development) sessions and Sangha TD Symposium for all yoga Greek instructors
  • 7th–9th July, Women’s Yoga seminar and symposium.

Attendees of these programs have been from Greece, Europe, the UK, the US and Australia. Satsangs given by Swami Sivamurti Saraswati connected the participants with the enormous work of Sri Swami Satyananda and its relevance today.

Ashwin Navaratri and Sadhana Week Live

It has been offered for free (accommodation, food and the program) to all members of society in Greece and abroad as part of the final goal of the Sankalpa of Seva for 2023 which is Daan and Saha Yoga. This event has been sponsored financially by a disciple of the Satyananda tradition with the aim of reaching out to the community and enabling both members of the Satyananda family as well as new members to be able to visit the ashram with ease.

Chaitra Navaratri

22nd to 30th March, this event focused on the importance of implementing sadhana into one’s life sincerely and in a committed way. Participants enjoyed being at the ashram and taking part in the chanting, shatkarmas, the satsangs and uniting with other like minded people.

Yoga Day and Open Day

29th January and 22nd October – live; instructors from Satyananda Yoga and other systems, their students and those interested in yoga came to experience a day of yoga

Living the Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita in Everyday Life

February 2023 – online; organized by the Bulgarian Yoga Association, Swami Sivamurti Saraswati spoke on the ways to overcome obstacles faced in life, how to improve the quality of one’s life, enhance spiritual aspirations and support one’s sadhana. It was attended by Bulgarian and foreign participants made up of yoga instructors, yoga aspirants, friends and students. It was inspiring to read the Bhagavad Gita daily. Light was shed on how relevant the Gita is today so as to contemplate and find ways to manage obstacles.

Northern Greece tour

From 1st to 9th March, Swami Sivamurti Saraswati did an extensive tour to different parts of Greece meeting with yoga instructors, Women’s Groups, students and aspirants discussing the challenges they and their communities were facing during covid, and motivating them to arrange events for their local community to uplift, unite and inspire them. The tour was organized by the Ashram and Enosi, (Hellenic Union Teachers)

TD (Teachers’ Development) Sangha

  • 15th Jan, 19th March and 7th May – online sessions on the Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita, focusing on the first three chapters of the Gita and analysing them from a psychological perspective to find ways to handle stress, conflict and despondency.
  • 8th October – online; Learning by Doing Instructor Course for yoga instructors of the Satyananda System of Yoga conducted by Swami Sivamurti Saraswati. The theme was ‘Deepening and understanding the life force energy, the five pranas’.

Women’s Yoga groups

January to July – online and live bi-monthly sessions:

  • Application of sannyasa principles in everyday life.
  • The Symposium in July was live and open to all women.
  • Various women from all over Greece united and produced a video, plays, poems, presentations and kirtans based on Sri Swami Satyananda’s teachings. Over 80 women participated. After the covid lock downs, it was the first time the women had the opportunity to visit the ashram. The vibrations were high and the creative Shakti very strong. As part of the Yoga Outreach 2023 events the Women’s Yoga groups all over Greece have organized many projects offering them to all members in their local and online communities some of which are:
  • Financially and psychologically supporting families who are underprivileged
  • Assisting battered women refuges and orphanages
  • Yoga classes of the Satyananda Yoga System to cancer patients being offered for free; the sessions were live and online
  • Live kirtan events
  • Live ’Yoga in Nature’ sessions

Give Kids Yoga seminar

  • On 17th and 18th June, Yoga for Kids brought children from all over Greece together to experience the beauty of the ashram.
  • On 16th September, Yoga for Teens gave the opportunity to adolescents to run the seminar for their peers. The aim is for young ones to experience Satyananda Yoga practices and lifestyle.

Kirtan events

  • Tarana Chaitanya chanted kirtan together with other kirtanists from Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia. He also ran a kirtan workshop during the Guru Poornima festival at Satyanandashram Hellas. It brought people from many countries closer and they felt the power of kirtan.
  • Kirtan groups from all over Greece were chanting during the Yoga Festival in November.

Annapurna Kids project

The Centre for Creative Activities for Children is set up in Thessaloniki as part of an outreach project for 2023. Children, age 5 to 12, from underprivileged backgrounds are offered creative activities after school including arts & crafts, music, cooking, robotics, theatre, cultural excursions and ways to learn basic computer principles.

Christmas festival

From 2nd to 8th December, Satyanandashram opens its doors to everyone to come and stay on the grounds and enjoy the festive season in the true spirit of Satyananda Yoga. This event has been sponsored by a disciple which will enable members, students, teachers, aspirants and newcomers to visit the ashram grounds.

Online satsang series

On 24th December, a series of online satsangs with Swami Sivamurti Saraswati began and continue into 2024 so as to connect with many people who cannot visit the ashram in person.