Sivananda’s Bouquet of Inspiration

Swami Satyananda Saraswati – Yoga-Vedanta, May 1955

The truth is straightforward, however the words of a great saint who has attained self-realization are even more direct. Pujya Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj has presented deep and subtle spiritual truths in a beautiful and unique manner which makes them easily understood by the most ordinary of people. Sri Swamiji has also made scriptural truths easy to comprehend for such individuals who function primarily from the intellect.

He has adopted multifarious means to explain the truth – he has composed authoritative commentaries on the scriptures; written erudite theses on philosophical subjects; he has also woven important and eternal principles of truth with simplicity and ease into the most beautiful and engaging stories and poems. Sri Swamiji recounts the core elements of impactful, educational discourses by learned sages in a simplified manner.

When presented in the form of interesting stories, such concepts are easily and quickly grasped; along with the incidents in a story, spiritual truths are also indelibly imprinted upon the mind. Sri Swami Sivananda-Krishnanandaji, the presenter of Sivanandaji’s writings in Hindi, has retained the simple yet engaging flavour in the translation of Sivanandaji’s literature.

By incorporating these stories in their teachings and discourses, spiritual leaders will be able to have an impactful influence on their audience far beyond their expectations.