Manas Muktavali – Pearls of Wisdom

Swami Satyananda Saraswati – Yoga-Vedanta, January 1956

  • When sorrow becomes unbearable, that is when you should understand that you have reached the penultimate limit of sorrow and the beautiful experience of joy is less than a moment away.
  • Dusk-dawn, tears-laughter, ebb-flow, rise-fall, victory-defeat – these are the eternal laws of nature.
  • Did not yesterday’s bandit become the saint today? There you are! Yesterday’s sinner is today’s saint. Only demons can transform into human beings!
  • To be defeated by life, to be dejected and complain to God, to give up and accept defeat is to smear demonic soot on the bright face of humanity.
  • The creation of the opposites of happiness and sorrow is the fantasy of the mind.
  • Eternal remembrance is not the mark of love; however eternal remembrance is an important element in the many aspects of love.
  • What did you say? Where is there any question of sacrifice on love? Anything given out of choice is a gift. Anything that is given up voluntarily is the reward of love and self-restraint. A gift is that which is presented whereas sacrifice is that which is given.
  • Where there is love, what is freedom or bondage? Is freedom behaving with the beloved according to one’s whims and fancies? Can the absence of a love letter bring joy to a true lover? Then what is the point of remembering a loved one and fighting over differences between your principles and beliefs? For one whom true love is the only principle in life, why bother with all this nuisance? (Let every disciple know, understand and hold dear the longing for guru’s love in life.)
  • Can there be joy without work? Can there be any result without effort?