
Swami Satyananda Saraswati

In the physical body sometimes certain biological changes take place. On account of that, there is depression of the nervous system and the mind begins to think on the level of depression during which one faces a pessimistic philosophy. Sometimes one becomes very optimistic and sometimes very pessimistic. So pessimism can happen due to biological factors. Another factor is that when the mind thinks too much, it becomes confused. At that time, to avoid this confusion, the pessimistic philosophy is a sort of escape.

There are certain questions regarding life which cannot be answered by the normal mind and reasoning. These questions can only be answered by what you call truth. Nobody has seen with his own eyes any meaning which he can discover for himself. Therefore, when one becomes pessimistic one should first of all try to relax. Then one should try to concentrate. After relaxation and concentration, the level of depression becomes alright.

There is another factor responsible for pessimism. Religions taught many useful things and everything is written in the books. The religious heads who preached have not experienced that themselves. We believe in a religion for thirty or forty years without reasoning and finally we do not have any experience. When we have no experience then our faith dwindles. The mistake is not with the religions alone; we have not followed the disciplines correctly from the very beginning. Religion is not only faith. It is a practice also.

There is a third factor responsible for pessimism. During our childhood, our parents must have given us some thoughts which are responsible for depression. During the early years of life, whatever way our parents behaved with us created a very deep impression in our minds. Therefore, those children who have been reared with religious parents have always been very abnormal, because during childhood the parents say, “Don’t do this; don’t do that; that’s bad.” Parents almost brainwash their children.

All of you are programmed and you have been programmed by your parents. This is not your original personality. It has been put on you. Sometimes the programming of parents is suitable to us and sometimes it is not suitable. Suppose my parents are very fat and tall. If they put their robes on me they would be too big for me. They would also be uncomfortable. So what will I do? At some time, I will throw them off and try to find a robe which is fitting for me. From the age of thirteen to forty the person is trying to throw away the cloak the parents have put on him and that is the reason throughout the world that people are fighting against religion now. The religion that the parents have given them is not their choice. It is their parents’ choice. Their choice is my life. It is very bad. I should be given my choice of religion after the age of twenty-one.

So, there are many factors which are responsible for this case of depression and pessimism. Therefore, everybody is trying to de-program himself. You understand what deprogramming is? What you are talking about is deprogramming. You are not the same. You do not like the robe. It is too big for you. You do not like the thought. It is too unnecessary for you. You do not want that faith because you do not find any truth in it. It happens with most people.

At this time, you will have to think very calmly. You should not think that you are totally correct. You must know that your mind is now undergoing a change. That means that you are trying to discover a true basis for life. That means that you are now trying to become a seeker. Every time there is pessimism in the mind, you must remember this. That happens with everybody who is serious and seeking. Nothing happens to those who are not sincere and serious! For them, everything is okay.

1983, Spain