Someone says, ‘Leave home and become a yogi, only then you will find God.’
Someone else says, ‘Even after adopting yoga, what if the dirt in the heart and mind is not cleaned? Sacrifice has to happen from the mind, that is all. Does one attain God by abandoning the home and hearth?’
One person says, ‘All this talk of renunciation and religion is just hypocrisy. God does not live in temples but in the soul of society. Just serve, nothing else. This is the real practice of chanting and austerity; this is the true method.’
The second person says, ‘Neither are yoga, nor vows, nor chanting, nor austerities or religion of any use. Everything is only hypocrisy. Simply, eat, drink and be merry.’
Someone is of the opinion that, ‘God exists.’ Another one believes that, ‘God does not exist.’
Yet others say that, ‘God exists and also does not exist.’ One hears as many opinions as there are mouths.
Tell me, whom should one listen to and whom should one ignore?