To Live the Positive

Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

I am not here to say good words, for good is the outcome of transcending the bad. What is the use of saying ‘serenity, regularity, absence of vanity’ when we are unable to apply them in our own life? I am here to make us aware of the restrictions that block us from experiencing the goodness that Sri Swami Sivanandaji and Sri Swamiji have pointed out. We believe in our convictions more than we believe in the teachings of the master.

We believe that by practising meditation and chanting mantra we can attain higher states of consciousness, however that was never said in any book, satsang or in any of the teachings of Swami Sivananda or Swami Satyananda. Their teachings were an open secret – to be the best, to apply one’s skills and qualities to achieve the best in life and to help people achieve their best. In that way, you can become a human being.

To be a true human being is the last state of being a siddha.

It is this lesson that I think about. Not of asana, pranayama, mantra and meditation, but how the masters, who have touched our lives and inspired us, have told us to overcome the negative and to live the positive. The positive cannot be lived in meditation, the positive can only be lived in the world. The positive cannot be lived in the Himalayas or in isolation, it can only be lived in the world.

Therefore, Swami Sivanandaji and Swami Satyananda did not advocate tapas for their followers, they did not advocate moksha or self-realization for their followers. They advocated ‘Serve, Love and Give’. They advocated atmabhava where you are connected to sattwa.