
Swami Sivananda Saraswati

What are the ordinary ingredients which help keep one in good health? They are sun, fresh air and pure water. One must spend at least one hour and more if possible in the open air every day. Sunlight helps growth and gives vigour. Breathe pure air, bask in the sun, eat good nutritious, wholesome food, drink pure water and observe cleanliness; you will possess a high standard of health, vim, vigour and vitality.


The body is the most marvellous and delicate machine in the world. It is a highly complex mechanism. Even the most eminent doctors in the world have not completely understood its structure and working. One virulent microbe can destroy the body in an instant. It is surrounded on all sides by enemies – and yet we live. This is a great mystery.

Disease is not a condition that ought to frighten one. It is not brought about by outside agencies, but it is the result of the kickings of life. It is a reaction of life to the entry of foreign matter into the system. Disease is only a sign of health.

Life’s cleansing process is called disease. There is only one disease and that is dis-ease or no ease. It is the struggle of life to get rid of foreign matter. Disease should not to be suppressed with toxic drugs, but nature should be allowed to get rid of it in her own way.

If one wants radiant health, one ought to return to nature and avail oneself of all the healing agencies in nature, the healing properties of the sun, water, air, earth, the benefits of fasting and herbal plants. Nature tries to keep us healthy, but we bring on sickness by continuous violation of Her laws. Natural laws are relentless and know no mercy. Therefore, we should observe the laws of nature and eat, drink, sleep, think and con- duct ourselves in the way laid down by the ancient sages.

In the animal kingdom, there is seldom any sickness because animals do not violate the laws of nature. Before the age of machinery, life was more natural. People of past generations were much stronger and healthier. Life in the twentieth century is becoming more and more artificial. There is much deterioration in health and strength. In spite of the innumerable doctors and the latest medical discoveries, people’s health is deteriorating.

Good digestion

Take only simple, light, nourishing food. Immediately after taking food it is highly injurious to bask in the sun, swim, ride or run, sing, sit by the fireside, fight, practise physical exercise or asana, pranayama or study. Rub the feet with oil. This will remove roughness, dryness, heat, fatigue, numbness and fissures of the feet, sciatic pain and produce good sleep.

Walking after dinner promotes life. It gives good health.

After food, lie down on the left side for a short time. This helps digestion. Half the stomach should be filled with food, one quarter with water and the last quarter left free for air. A hungry man should not drink water and a thirsty man should not eat food. Taking a large quantity of water during food is harmful. One should take a small quantity of water during meals. Digestion will be affected by drinking a large quantity of water during meals. One must carefully observe the details of one’s health, particularly in relation to diet. Milk is easily digestible to some, whereas it causes retching to others. Certain kinds of vegetables are suitable to some systems but they may be quite disagreeable to others. One must avoid too much of sameness, and too much of variety in a meal.

The power of digestion varies from person to person.

Therefore, one must discriminate between the right foods suitable to one’s constitution and the wrong ones which may cause great harm to one’s health. Over and above one should select sattwic pure vegetarian food and have moderation in eating, sleeping, talking, drinking, etc. Many people make themselves ill by eating too much and by not eating the right food at the right time.

Night meals should not be taken after 8 pm, and once a week should be foregone. Complete fasting should be observed once a fortnight. It will give rest to the digestive system, and the assimilative power will be renovated. Proper elimination is as important as correct diet. Even when the right food is eaten, good health will not be enjoyed unless waste matter is properly removed from the system. One must have a good motion daily in the early morning. When one drinks a sufficient amount of water and flushes the kidneys, good health is enjoyed.

For good health, an adult should take six glasses of water daily in addition to water taken in the form of food. This is enough to flush the body and meet the internal needs. The stomach should not be overloaded. The secret of being healthy and happy is to be a little hungry all the time.

Need for health

The first wealth is health. It is the greatest of all possessions and the basis of all virtues. Without health, life is not life. The person who has good health has hope, and the person who has hope has everything. The first requisite in life is good health. Good health is a valuable asset for everyone. If one does not possess good health, one cannot prosper in any walk of life. One should have physical as well as mental health.

Even for spiritual pursuits, good health is the prerequisite.

Without good health, one cannot penetrate the hidden depths of the vast ocean of life within and attain the final beatitude. Without good health, one cannot wage war with the turbulent senses and boisterous mind. Without good health, one cannot achieve anything, serve or do nishkama karma yoga, action without expectation of reward. Without good health, one cannot pray, meditate, do any asanas or pranayama. That is the reason why scriptures declare that this body is a boat to cross the ocean of samsara, this illusory world, an instrument for doing virtuous deeds and attaining moksha, liberation.

The instrument must be kept clean, strong, and healthy.

This body is a horse to take one to the goal. If the horse tumbles down, one cannot reach the destination. If this instrument breaks down, one will not reach the goal of atmasakshatkara, self-realization.