It is only such a person who is a true human being, a true sadhu, a true saint!
Today the world does not need the saints who dwell in forests; the need of people today is for someone who can prevent them from getting entangled in social complications and bring them to the path which is straight and simple. What the world needs is someone who has discovered the way to emancipate and uplift humanity; whose life is imbued with the divine spirit of sacrifice and austerities; someone whose being is suffused with the effulgence of philosophical truth; in whom the stellar qualities of indomitable strength, firm determination, shining intellect and wide knowledge are perfectly balanced with an unshakeable and committed desire to serve the cause of human welfare.
Consider only such a person as a saint in whom there is not a trace of arrogance, whose heart is all-forgiving, who neither speaks about himself nor asks for anything; such a person who never displays any selfish or greedy tendencies; one who is not enamoured with perishable objects and who is always conscious of the indestructible – this is a true saint!
There is nothing to be gained from those saints who live in isolation in caves and forests. Nor is there anything to be gained from those who are well-versed in the scriptures or are great orators or those who prefer to live alone quietly after attaining god-realization because they consider the world to be illusory and a bondage. How can one who is truly realized see the world as bondage? One who has grasped the real essence of Sarvam khalavidam Brahma – ‘Everything is an expression or manifestation of the Divine’, is a true saint and a yogi.
The world is full of yogis who look strange, very secretive or who don fanciful robes. Images of emaciated, half-naked yogis sporting dreadlocks, smeared with ashes and seated in the lotus posture abound – however, this is not the true picture of a yogi. One should not rest until these blind and baseless superstitions afflicting Indian society are completely dispelled and destroyed.
The heart and mind of a saint are always full of love and altruism. Contemplation of the divine is their essential nature. The goddess of purity reigns supreme in their heart. Pure and divine thoughts are reflected on their countenance and in their speech. Even in the most mundane of interactions, their truth and purity shines forth. Every thought, word and deed is full of loving, pure and untainted sentiments. Their very presence is living proof of unprecedented spiritual strength.
A true saint considers the whole world as his own family.
A true saint has a complete understanding and acceptance of everything in life. Anyone whose saintliness is merely hypocritical posturing is not a true saint; neither is such a person a true saint whose actions are motivated by selfishness and who seeks name and fame through a show of greatness and pomp.
Someone is not called a saint only because of their service towards mankind nor is it because their personal needs are very few. Such a person is great because ‘being good and doing good’ is their very nature. Such a person is revered as a saint, because even in their dreams they never wish anything ill towards anyone.