Health – Satyanandashram Hellas (Greece)

  • 6th to 10th February, Speaking the Language of the Soul – online; Align with Who You Truly – Are Heal Yourself, Heal Your Life, Heal All Life. Creator and Host, Dr Veselka Nikolova invited 22 key speakers to talk on the theme: speaking the language of the soul. Swami Sivamurti Saraswati gave an interview on the topic: Yogic Tools for Total Health according to the SatyanandaYoga tradition.
  • January, March, April, Yogic Tools for Total Health – online; a three-part online series, expounding on the teachings of Sri Swami Satyananda and Swami Niranjanananda and highlighting certain practices of the Satyananda System of Yoga for the everyday person to apply and spiritualize their daily life and live in a more healthy and meaningful way. Participants: over 100 people from around Greece and Europe.
  • April and November, Detox Seminars – live; DETOX for the body with neti, kunjal and poorna shankhaprakshalana and laghoo shankhaprakshalana (for people without previous experience).
  • 4th and 5th November, Yogic Diet Seminar, a Journey into the World of Flavours – live at the ashram; cooking nourishing yogic meals and combining special asanas, pranayama, meditation techniques and yoga nidra to improve digestion and metabolism. Theory and practice were given during the seminar.

Impressions of participants

A very well structured and organized program, full of treasures of wisdom! Complicated concepts were explained and experienced in practical and comprehendible ways! Loved all the practices during the workshop as well as the lifework practice we received after each session, not only by Swami Sivamurti but also by the coordinator in written form via email. The recorded sessions, which we could watch again and again afterwards were very helpful and a great way to stay in touch with the workshop’s subject in between the fixed workshop dates. Congratulations to all of you!
—Sri Vidya, Austria

My time in the ashram will stay with me forever. Time was slowed down and a sense of peace pervaded. Every member of the ashram showed me care and compassion and shared their knowledge with me and I could see they were interested in me and organized the practices in a way that would help me. I was shown love, patience and compassion and had many meaningful discussions with them and other people staying at the ashram and with people who had lived at the ashram for many years before. All the exercises and events were done with peace and love. They were very helpful. I am deeply thankful to all I encountered on my journey there.
—Juan Pablo Duenas, USA

Annapurna Team

  • Social Cooperative Enterprise (SCE) Feeding the Homeless 2023; running since 2013 and now with greater fervour in 2023, seva yogis inspired by the aims and goals of Satyananda Math, formed a Social Cooperative Enterprise, Annapurna, to feed and clothe the homeless in Thessaloniki.
  • It has offered over 35,000 meals to the homeless and refugees as well as clothing and blankets.
  • In 2023, all activities are dedicated to the Centenary and the Yoga Outreach program for Health, Happiness and Harmony. Annapurna has grown from a handful of dedicated seva yogis to hundreds of people who take part in the project with much love and enthusiasm.

Satyananda Math – Amba

  • Feeding the Homeless 2023; Swami Sivamurti established Satyananda Math in 1991 which has been the philanthropic arm of Satyanandashram Hellas that reaches out to the needs of society and has continued in a robust way through 2022.
  • Dinner for the Homeless project continues throughout 2023 and is dedicated to Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati’s birth centenary celebration.
  • 80 nutritious meals (cooked and prepared at the ashram) are offered to the homeless people in the port of Piraeus every Monday and on special occasions, like Christmas, New Year and Easter. Clothes and hygiene items are also distributed.
  • Many seva yogis participate in this project and express a sense of great satisfaction for being able to serve those in need and feel part of a caring community.