Two Missions of Yoga

Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Yoga has two missions: one mission is to remove all the images one by one, and during the process of the elimination of those images, relaxation automatically takes place and emotional difficulties are overcome; shocks are absorbed, and anxiety is forgotten. Schizophrenia is completely defeated, and one develops peace and serenity from within. One develops the attitude of relaxation amidst tensions.

Swami Sivananda used to say that, if a man has money, a good family and children, to be relaxed has little meaning. If the scales are heavily loaded against him, family members have disowned him or cheated him, the world has deceived him and the physical body has not helped him, if at that moment the man can keep himself relaxed, that is the state of highest and real liberation. In a deeper analysis, it has been decided that peace and tranquillity does not come to man because there are so many images that are trying to cause confusion in the personality. I am giving a speech and you are able to hear everything because you are keeping quiet. If there is pandemonium here, even if I cry out loud, you won’t be able to hear. The same is true with our personality.

Therefore, the two missions of yoga are to eliminate the images and to produce relaxation. If you are spiritually minded, you go ahead; you go on eliminating those images and finally become rooted in your own atman or your own Self.

14 July 1968, Belgium