Today I am going to talk only about one method to withdraw the outer consciousness through the method of sound waves. The most important thing to be understood is that the brain emits certain kinds of waves and it is those waves that are to be withdrawn and conserved. That method is called japa yoga, which means the method of complete union by the method of spontaneity. In japa we take a particular sound and try to consolidate our consciousness according to that particular sound pattern and when the consciousness attains the rhythm of that particular sound movement, it almost becomes eliminated or negated. This is the first process of what we call meditation.
In this particular process, we take only three centres: the heart, the throat and the third is the centre between the two eyebrows. We do not have to take all the three centres; we take only one. The acceptance of the centre should be according to our convenience and according to the possibility of success. Some people will find it easier to have the vibrations at this point and others find it easier at the other centres. Here the sound is perceived with a particular rhythm, like the movement of a clock. There are sounds that broaden and expand and there are other sounds which shrink and become narrow.
You must have heard the cosmic sound Om. Forget all about its form; only think about its sound image. I do not have to tell you enlightened people that a sound has an image. Sound has an image which cannot be written, but sound has an image which has waves. It so happens that this particular sound Om and its vibrations start from outside to inside. When you pronounce or try to use the sound, the sound starts from the state of expansion, and when it finishes, it finishes with a state of contraction. O is the expanded state of sound and m is the contracted state of sound.
The rhythm has to continue for 15 to 30 minutes, non-stop. While you are continuing the sound rhythms, you find that the mind is running in its own way. Sometimes your consciousness will become aware of the mantra and again your consciousness will become aware of different thoughts. This is how the state of alteration between one-pointedness and dissipation will take place. The mind will alternate between the two states. One state is the state of concentration, and the other is the state of dissipation or distraction.
It is said by all experienced people that at this particular stage you should continue the rhythm of the sound waves in the particular centre and let the mind wander at the same time. Let the mind do as it wants, but you must continue both the streams of consciousness, side by side. When you have finished the required duration of japa, you should completely forget it and take your mind to one particular centre and there you should try to develop an image.
It is the development of this image that brings everything up from the bottom. The image which you will continue to make one-pointed in your consciousness or in the centre will not remain there. Even if it remains for one minute or half a minute, it will develop further images. Gradually when you keep your focus on this image, relaxation takes place. This particular aspect of yoga is known as pratyahara. According to Swami Sivananda and many other great experienced people, it is this method which is known and famous for tranquillity and for enlightenment.
14 July 1968, Belgium