Your principle should be this, to work splendidly for whatever you have before you at that particular time. There is only one thing you have to keep in mind. ‘Not to mind, not to give a mind and not to be mind-minded’, which every intellectual is. Remember always to give more and more of your time to the work at hand. Every immediate work is important. To abide by this principle is not as easy as many would think of.
You write that you are neck-deep in the sea of work. Let me understand it the other way. You are considerably free from the ‘uchhal kood’, the jumping jacks of the mind. Blessed is he who is always neck-deep in work. Thrice blessed is he who has lost himself in the work. Unto such a man dynamism will be given. Rest? We do not need it at all! Work? We need it very badly. Work of any virtue does purify the soul. Work saves the soul. It confers immunity from evil influences. Work awakens willpower. It paves a way towards the ‘line of intuition’.
Work is rest. Rest is work. Change of work is rest. Be ever dynamic. Pray before you retire at night and when you inaugurate the day. Dedicate your life to a greater purpose.
Your life will not be allowed to go in vain. Your powers will not be wasted. Your capacities will not remain condemned. Satyam will pull you on, drag you further, push you forward, even if you are lazy and passive. And imagine, how much can be done, if you strongly decide, surrender, feel and say, “Here I am, given to thee. Lead me anywhere!”
I do not mind your weaknesses and shortcomings. I do not care for any other thing. I want to know whether you will work hard or not. Your future is in the making. Your life is being carved. Obstructions are there. Remain unmindful. Offer your sincere attitude and hard work. It is not enough, if you call yourself as my child. You have to work ceaselessly and be indifferent to results.
We are one family. We are trying to increase our dimensions and scope. On some bright day we shall be a huge family with improved visions and affectionate frictions. Noble and sacred ideals and actions will frame this family. Even as many men and women in the past lived together and performed sacrifices and offered oblations into the holy fire, likewise have we to meet and perform good acts and contribute our share of spiritual efforts to keep the fire of righteousness and happiness in ourselves ever lit. This is the fulfilment of the spiritual mission of which I am a visionary, not a leader.
I do not doubt my workers at all who, though not saints, are at least normal human beings. The greatest quality which success in a mission demands is what you have rightly pointed out – certitude about the mission and joyousness in working for it.
The aspirations of those working for the same mission should be common; so be their slogans of life, so be their meetings all throughout, so be their endeavours in this field of life, and so be the diversity in life, for honest differences do not mar the rhythm and interrupt the melody, but add to the orchestration of life.
You have already stepped forward towards a divine pilgrimage for perfection, peace and purity. I am showing you the way. There are many more with you on this road. You are not alone. In your pilgrimage to perfection, you will never be alone.
Published in Golden Collection 2