Yoga Peeth Events

Makar Sankranti

On 15th January, the commencement of the sun’s northbound journey is being observed every year. Residents, students and guests practised twelve rounds of surya namaskara, salutation to the sun, on the car park at Ganga Darshan.

Basant Panchami

From 29th January to 1st February, Basant Panchami was celebrated at Ganga Darshan, commemorating the 54th Foundation Day of the Bihar School of Yoga. The yoginis from Lalita Mahila Samajam at Thirueengoimalai, Tamil Nadu, conducted daily aradhana dedicated to Chandi Devi, Lalita and Saraswati.

The children of Bal Yoga Mitra Mandal sang kirtan and addressed the gathering with their inspiring announcements.

Swami Shankarananda spoke on Sri Swami Satyananda’s mission and vision for yoga. Swami Atmamaitri read out Swami Niranjanananda’s message for the occasion, as well as the poem Maha Saraswati in English and Hindi, which is Sri Swamiji’s sankalpa for the Bihar School of Yoga.SwamiSuryaprakashwelcomed everyone to the celebration and invited citizens of Munger to share their thoughts and experiences related to BSY.

The yoginis concluded the program with pooja in the Chhaya Samadhi.

International Day of Yoga

On 21st June, BSY conducted a program from 6 to 7.30 am at Paduka Darshan on the occasion of the third International Day of Yoga. More than 500 participants attended and were guided through practices of asana, pranayama, relaxation, concentration and a meditation on yama-niyama.

In Munger, ‘the City of Yoga’, similar programs were conducted by members of BYMM, YYMM and the Ramayan Mandali at over 100 venues, in which thousands of people participated. Programs were conducted by ashrams and centres throughout Bihar, India and in many countries around the world.

Guru Poornima

From 5th to 9th July, Guru Poornima was celebrated at Paduka Darshan, Sannyasa Peeth. The daily program consisted of havan, chanting of stotra and kirtan, karate and dance performances of the children of Bal Yoga Mitra Mandal. Some of the children read out poems of Swami Sivananda and Sri Swami Satyananda and texts they had written themselves which expressed their love for the two gurus and the understanding they had gained of their teaching. Everyone was impressed by their maturity of thought and purity of feeling. The youth of Yuva Yoga Mitra Mandal managed the organization of the event with flawless discipline.

Swami Niranjanananda gave satsang every day. On the first day, he spoke of the appearance of Shiva, the first guru, in the form of a fiery lingam, and then described the lineage of gurus from Sage Veda Vyasa to Swami Sivananda and Sri Swami Satyananda. The following two days were dedicated to their lives and teachings. Swamiji emphasized that their inspiration and guidance continues to uplift aspirants to this day. The only requirement for an aspirant is to have faith and belief in the guru parampara and total dedication and commitment towards its teachings.

On Guru Poornima day, havan and paduka poojan were performed. More than 5,000 people came to pay their respects to the guru tattwa. In his message Swamijisaid that on this day we should invoke the grace of God and Guru so that the doors of our heart open wide, we should destroy our ego and pride so that we are able to bring in goodness and goodwill into our lives and into the lives of others. He also said that the moon symbolizes the mind, and Guru Poornima represents the total illumination of the mind. Therefore, on this day we must remind ourselves that we have to complete the journey from darkness to light.


The birth of yoga on Mount Kailash and the importance of happiness as the first yama of yoga was told through song and dance. Students of the four-month Yogic Studies, participants of the Kriya Yoga Yatras and the Progressive Yoga Vidya Training joined their skills and talents to create an evening of inspiration and good humour for everyone at Ganga Darshan.


On 24th December, participants of the Yoga Propagation Training, Yoga Lifestyle Experience, Yogic Studies students and guests from around the world presented a wonderful selection of Christmas carols in many different languages.

On 25th December, Sri Swami Satyananda’s birthday was celebrated with Satyananda Sahasranamavali havan, satsang, the chanting of Sundarkand and kirtan dedicated to the guru.

In the evening, a group of children from Notre Dame Academy presented the nativity play with song, dance and a lot of joy. Guests, students and training participants then enacted scenes from the life of Jesus Christ which showed the connection between his teaching and the yoga of Swami Sivananda and Sri Swami Satyananda.

Swamiji explained that Jesus Christ continues to be an inspiration as his teaching of kindness, compassion and goodness towards one and all is of eternal value and the way to peace and harmony among people.

New Year’s Eve

The last day of the year was celebrated with a joyful presentation by Yogic Studies students and guests – a demonstration of the process of evolution of consciousness through various life forms, the beautiful encounter between Sri Rama and Shabari, and New Year songs from around the world. Swamiji advised all to be grateful for the year 2017, and the many opportunities for growth and lessons to learn.