Cultivate indomitable will. Practise self-control and self-mastery. Have self-confidence. Develop independent judgment and do not argue. Strive ceaselessly for self-realization. Kill this little ego. Develop pure love and rise above all distinctions of caste, creed and colour. Give up the idea of ‘I-ness’, ‘Mine-ness’. Look within for the happiness which you have sought in vain in sensual objects.
Moksha is the summum bonum of life. It is freedom from births and deaths. It is not annihilation. It is annihilation of this little ‘I’. It is obtained through knowledge of the Self. You will have to know the Truth through direct intuitive experience. You will have to cut asunder the veil of ignorance by meditation on the Self. Then you will shine in your pristine purity and divine glory.
Do not try to drive away the unimportant and irrelevant thoughts. The more you try, the more they will return and the more strength they will gain. You will only tax your energy and will. Become indifferent. Fill the mind with divine thoughts and the others will gradually vanish. Become established in nirvikalpa samadhi through meditation.
Without perfect Brahmacharya, you cannot have substantial spiritual progress. There is no half measure on the spiritual path. Control the body first, then purify your thoughts through prayer, japa, kirtan, reflection and meditation.
Constant study of the lives of saints will enable you to lead a virtuous life. You will imbibe noble qualities. You will be gradually moulded on the spiritual path and draw inspiration from them. There will be an inner urge in you to attempt for God-realization. Pray to the Lord that you may become a saint.