The Golden Jubilee is History Already

Swami Vedananda, Germany

Let me say “Thank you” again in this way. Every time I come to Munger, I feel a whole ocean of warmth floating towards me – always! But this time, for reasons you are very well aware of, it was even more. When I did arrive, I was happy to be here – finally. To meet you and Swami Satsangi right at the beginning was my good fortune.

This celebration of the Golden Jubilee of BSY was very special in many ways. I have seen many conventions, and Sat Chandi Yajnas, but still, I was very much impressed in the way this Jubilee was conducted. Everything, everything was organized extremely well. The Prasad Tent was something I am not able to express in words . . . I could go on and on with my mind-boggling experiences . . . On top of all, everybody was warm, welcoming, helpful and very friendly. I am proud to be a member of this family . . .

One highlight after yet another highlight, but for me the culmination of it all was the way in which you treated me. It honestly touched my heart at its very centre and that is the reason I am writing this email to you, to say again “Thank you”– and to let you have part of this feeling I had and still have. I wish you the very best for now and the future to come.