You cannot pick up dedicated workers on the spur of the moment. If you want to do something, you will have to work with people you know and who know you well. Therefore, the people who you have met should be contacted by you again and again. You must keep them in mind and see that they also keep you in mind.
For that purpose I suggest a small booklet which is very simple, not at all conclusive or complete. The purpose of this book is to introduce yourself, as well as the subject, to people. If a small inexpensive booklet is prepared, you can give it to people whom you have met just once, with whom you have had lunch, dinner or tea. You can send it by post and it will remind them of you and also you of them.
When you start a yoga school you can publish a small booklet to commemorate the opening. With this event as the background, if the book is sent to a person you have met before, maybe he will say, “Yes, I know this man. He came to Bombay, Calcutta, Agra, Delhi, or Madras, and met with me. He has written a small book.” Then he goes through the book which is not at all complete, but it just catches his interest. So he writes back to say, “I have read your book. It is very nice. Have you got a bigger one? Can you give me some guidance? My brother, sister, husband, etc. is suffering from mental problems. Is there any yogic practice for that?”
Now your work can begin from here. The book is only a kind of communication between you and the person whom you have met once in your life.Swami Satyananda
In October 1960, the first three books of Swamiji’s mission were printed at the Desh Seva Press in Allahabad. The first one was Lessons on Yoga, Part 1, a two hundred and sixty page book containing letters to Vishwaprem and Satyavrat. The book turned out to be very popular; the readers felt as if the letters were addressed straight to them. The other two books were in Hindi, Kurukshetra kee ladai and Yoga Asana, each containing about fifty to sixty pages.
From Mere Aradhya, Swami Dharmashakti Saraswati
Established in March 2000 by Swami Niranjanananda, Yoga Publications Trust is responsible for disseminating yogic and spiritual knowledge, lifestyle and practice through the publication of text books, magazines, research materials, practice texts, audio and video cassettes and multimedia presentations, nationally and internationally.
The knowledge disseminated by Swami Satyananda through his books covers the span of many millenniums as there is simply no topic he has not dealt with.
This authentic collection of books is in great demand throughout the world. The books relate to the practices and philosophy of yoga and other spiritual systems which aim at the upliftment of humanity by means of the eternal yogic knowledge, lifestyle and practice. They elucidate ancient yogic and tantric knowledge made practical and applicable to the contemporary world we live in.
In 2010, sixty-two titles were in print in English. In 2011, ten were reprinted and eight new titles were added.
The Hindi publications counted thirty-five titles in print. In 2011 one was reprinted, and four new titles were added.
The Hindi-English booklet, Satyam Chalisa, a new publication in 2011, has already had two print runs.
By the end of 2011, thirty-one titles have been translated into twelve languages as follows: