The rhythm of the washing machine
The rhythm of life
Round and round
Cycle after cycle
Rung out strung out washed out
Limp rag flapping in the sunshine
Light shine God shine brilliant light
Soft breeze fresh air breathe
Breathe deep
Puff out all the creases
Fill with light fill with breath
The breath of life the breath of light
The warmth the heat
Rejuvenate relax absorb
Carefree renewed
And when rejuvenated, a new process
Or is it an old one?
Life continues
The garment has been restored
Ready to be worn again
The life has been rested resurrected
Ready to re-enter the cycles
Of wear and tear wash and wear
Until the garment has worn out completely
Or did you just grow out of it?
The wearer the life bearer
Awaits the appointment of a new garment
Life death
The cycles continue