Polypathy or Homoeopathy

In response to the article Polypathy by Dr Shreenivas, published in May Yoga, we received the following reply from T. C. Kholia MDH, Physician in Charge, Lion's Club of Gomia Homoeopathic Clinic.

Homoeopathy is very effective in the treatment of skin disease and other diseases, but the real realm of homoeopathic cures lies on the mental plane. The cures based on mental symptoms are supposed to be the best ones in homoeopathy Even the likes and dislikes of the patient, his mental attitude to life and to all others around, his temperament, etc. are taken into account before deciding the appropriate medicine. Homoeopathy is unrivalled in the treatment of morbid and criminal attitudes such as the tendency towards murder, suicide, theft and so on. Even bad habits like smoking and drinking can be eliminated with homoeopathic medicines. The whole psychology of the patient can be so altered that he will no longer think about or tolerate such negative tendencies after completion of the prescribed course of medicines.

It is clear that allopathy is not the answer for the effective treatment of various diseases, especially in India where the medicines, even the preliminaries, are so costly that very few can afford them. In the case of chronic diseases allopathy can hardly afford any cure. In the course of my own practice I have come across hundreds of cases, pronounced incurable by allopathic specialists which were readily cured with a few doses of the indicated homoeopathic remedy.

Homoeopathy is the only system of medicine which can meet all the requirements of the polypathic system suggested by Dr Shreenivas. Apart from the various other advantages, the homoeopathic system possesses the following intrinsic merits:

  1. A scientifically prepared Materia Medica contains an accurate record of the symptoms produced by administering various medicines to healthy and intelligent individuals (the provings as it is called in homoeopathy). When these symptoms are met with in disease, they are speedily removed by a few sweet pillutes of the same medicine in a specified potency, on the well known principle of like cures like.
  2. The Homoeopathic Materia Medica is compiled on the basis of the effects of the various drugs on the different organs and parts of the body such as mind, head, eyes, ears, nose, face, mouth, throat, stomach, abdomen, stool, urine, male and female generative systems, respiratory system, heart, extremities, skin, fever, sleep, etc. (Hahnemannian Schema as it is called in homoeopathy). It not only contains the chemical composition of the drugs, but also their modalities and relationship with other medicines. It is a complete record of the action of the medicine on the whole human system.
  3. Homoeopathic medicines do not only cure the disease itself, but they also cure the 'patient'. One single medicine can cure all the diseases a human system is akin to. The cures are complete and speedy, and there are no side effects whatsoever.
  4. Homoeopathy believes in one medicine at one time and so the action is positive, instead of being a mixture of so many ingredients which may pull in different directions and hinder the cure.
  5. Homoeopathic medicines are very cheap and readily available from indigenous sources. They can be purchased at a nominal price which everybody can afford.
  6. Homoeopathic medicines are not curative but they are effective as a preventative for a number of dreaded diseases like cholera, diphtheria, typhoid, hydrophobia, smallpox, measles, mumps, various infections, quinsy and whooping cough. A few doses of homoeopathic medicine can render immunity for months.
  7. It is correct to say that homoeopathy can cure all diseases. The only diseases which are not curable in homoeopathy are the ones in which the patient's vital force has been completely exhausted by over-drugging for years on end, and who do not have any capacity for reaction. Even in such cases the homoeopathic system can afford more relief so that the patient can live with the minimum discomfort for as long as he survives, instead of letting him die in pain helplessly as is the case in most other systems of medicine.
  8. The greatest advantage of homoeopathy is the treatment of all kinds of diseases, named as well as unnamed. The selection of medicine is based on a set of peculiar or 'characteristic' symptoms which can be easily diagnosed by close questioning of the patient or his relatives. Thus, even those diseases which are still unheard of can be tackled with homoeopathy
  9. The only shortcoming with the homoeopathic system as it is being practised at present is the lack of trained persons. The profession is monopolised mostly by individuals who are not properly trained in the norms of the medical systems directed by the founder of homoeopathy in the Organon of Medicine. In foreign countries the homoeopathic system is taught at the postgraduate medical stage, producing some very competent and renowned homoeopathic physicians. Of course there have been quite a few in India as well. Now the system of homoeopathy is being regulated, and the Indian government has made the practice of homoeopathic medicine by unregistered physicians illegal. It is hoped that in due course good homoeopaths will emerge from the number of homoeopathic colleges in this country.

Homoeopathic training and education on a large scale will help greatly in meeting the medical requirements of all people not only in India but also around the world.