
Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Cheerfulness is the quality of being joyful, lively and of good spirits. Cheerfulness lightens the burden of life and gives wonderful strength and power of endurance. Cheerfulness strengthens the heart. A cheerful person is like a sunny day. Cheerfulness is contagious. It transforms darkness into light, depression into brightness and sickness into health. Cheerfulness is a habit of mind. A cheerful person is full of good spirits and radiates joy everywhere. Cheerfulness is a potent mental tonic. Wear a cheerful smile with a cheerful face. What sunshine is to flowers, cheerful happy smiles are to humanity. A cheerful person will do more in the same time, will do it better and will persevere at it longer than a cheerless person.

A cheerful word cheers others. Cheerfulness is a solace in solitude and distress. It lightens sickness, poverty and affliction. Cheerfulness is a friend to grace. It puts the heart in tune to praise God.