Take Care of Yourself

Swami Satyananda Saraswati

We are at a critical period of man’s history and we have also been in such critical periods in the hoary past. In some way or the other, it has become necessary. Nature has to seek a firm balance and this balance has to be obtained somehow or the other.

In the last few centuries, man has gone completely far from himself. He has lived in a state of passion and fever. The matter has been so tempting to him that he has neglected his own self. He has transcended or rather he has trespassed beyond the limits essential to the necessities of life. He has gone so far that he is running after the unnecessary things in life. What can you expect from such a man except wars, hatred and misunderstanding? It is only when a man has taken care of himself properly, that he can understand others.

What has been the state of affairs? You get up in the morning, go to the toilet and have a bath, shave, take a motor car or go by bus, attend to your factory, office, industry, where you are awfully busy like a computer, like a machine; then you come back in the evening. You have hardly time for your wife, husband or children. You go out, if you are good you go out alone. Then you go to a party and this and that. You come late in the evening, tired, and you sleep.

Do you know what is the mind? Have you ever taken care of your little baby, the spirit? It has been starving, it has been sick. You have never thought about it. You are thinking about your factory, you are thinking about your job, you are thinking about a motor bike or motor car, or about parties, boyfriend, girlfriend. No time for yourself. What can you expect from this man? Only hatred, war, disaster.

If the whole situation has to be changed, if the crisis has to be averted sincerely, and if we are to revert before the precipitating fall, we will have to make a halt at some point and turn back. Where to? To your own self. Judging your own mind. Taking care of your own psychological and emotional instabilities. Then I believe that the situation can be helped to a very great extent.

This is with a mind over which you have no control, with a philosophy that has no logic, with a faith that is closed, with a social order where there is absolute anarchy, and with a body which cannot resist difficult situations, with habits that are fixed and firm; please do not expect any transformation in society. Prepare for disaster instead.

1981, Chamarande, France