The Christian religion says that human unhappiness is not only impossible to eliminate, but also necessary. This unhappiness is considered an important instrument of knowledge. What is the value of this position in relation to expansion and liberation?
No matter what the great enlightened people said, ultimately they knew the same thing. It is only the language and symbols that are different. In tantra we call it liberation, in Buddhism you call it nirvana, in Christianity you call it salvation. Similarly, in Christianity you call it suffering, in yoga you call it austerity and in Buddhism you call it spiritual effort. The terminologies are different, no doubt. The method of explanation and expression is also different, but ultimately what they speak about is the same.
There is an eternal existence. This eternal existence is beyond pain, beyond suffering. In order to experience this eternal union, one has to pass through various phases of mind, of dukha or suffering. Even as in Christianity it is said that suffering can be overcome, in Buddhism they speak of four eternal truths. There is pain; there is a cause for the pain; the pain can be removed; and there is a way. In the same way, in yoga and tantra they say that if you are far from the Self, you suffer. If you are close to the Spirit, you are not unhappy. What is the purpose of yoga? To eliminate the root of all suffering. Where is the root of suffering? The mind is the root of suffering. How to eliminate the root? By transforming it.
Thus, ultimately, these great men, these great scriptures are talking of one and the same thing. Still we have to discuss things a little more. Suffering is known as dukha. Enjoyment is known as sukha. Pleasure and pain are qualities of the mind. When the mind is withdrawn in deep sleep, you have no pain and you are not aware of pleasure.
Pleasure and pain do not belong to the object. They belong to the quality of the mind. What is pleasant today can be painful tomorrow and what is painful today can be pleasant the next day. No object is absolutely pleasant or painful. An individual whom you love today is pleasant. An object you love today is pleasant. However, the same person and the same object can give you pain in course of time. This is completely dependent on the mind. Therefore, if you have to overcome suffering, you have to totally transform the mind. Up to a particular point the mind experiences pain and pleasure, but after some time it does not. This is the philosophy of suffering. People suffer on account of the incompleteness of their experience. If you are able to see more than you can, there will be no suffering.
Desire causes suffering. Attachment causes suffering.
Jealousy causes suffering. Frustration causes suffering. These are the things that should be overcome. How to overcome desire? How to overcome fear? How to overcome jealousy? This is the thing we have to understand. Just because we know fear or desires, we cannot transcend them. The mind should be transformed. The transformation of mind is very important if you want to transcend pain and suffering. When the mind expands, you transcend suffering.
April 1981, Milano