On 5th February, Basant Panchami was celebrated at Yajnashala. On the Foundation Day of Bihar School of Yoga, Swami Kaivalyananda spoke on his connection with Sri Swami Satyananda. Swami Niranjanananda described how Sri Swamiji had the blessings of Saraswati for his yoga mission in Munger, and those of Chandi Ma for Rikhia. For Sannyasa Peeth he had invoked the grace of Lakshmi to guide its activities.
On 1st March, Sivaratri was conducted at Akhara with havan and the chanting of stotras. Swami Niranjan spoke on the different traditions observed throughout India and the two events that are celebrated: the first manifestation of Shiva in form of a pillar of fire, and the marriage of Shiva and Parvati.
On 18th March, Holi was celebrated at Yajnashala. Swamiji read a poem by Sri Swamiji and explained its significance for Holi.
On 16th May, Buddha Poornima was observed at Satyam Vatika. It is the full moon night when Lord Buddha attained enlightenment under the bodhi tree in Gaya. Swami Niranjan spoke on the life and teaching of Buddha.
As it is also the birthday of Swami Dharmashakti, Sri Swamiji’s first disciple, havan was conducted to the chanting of Sundarkand in her memory.
From 16th to 19th June, the children of Bal Yoga Mitra Mandal (BYMM) conducted a four-day yoga camp for all children of Munger, between the age of 7 to 14. From 6 to 8 am, over 400 children met at Paduka Darshan for their yoga class. Teachers were Chandan, Srikant, Sonu and Piyush.
On 21st June, the International Day of Yoga, another class was conducted at Paduka Darshan for the children of the ‘City of Yoga’. Their teachers were Sanyam and Khushi Priya.
Bihar School of Yoga propagated a program for the International Day of Yoga which was followed by many centres and individuals throughout India and across the world.
Other centres also organized shivirs on this occasion:
Yoga centres in countries such as Bulgaria, Kazakhstan and Thailand also celebrated the International Day of Yoga in their community.
From 11th to 13th July, the Guru Poornima program was conducted at Satyam Vatika. This year’s celebration was dedicated to Swami Sivananda Saraswati who attained mahasamdhi on 13th July 1963. Swami Niranjan spoke on the life of Swami Sivananda and on the unique relationship he had with Sri Swamiji.
The program was livestreamed and devotees from around the world were able to be part of the dedication offered to the gurus.
On 25th October, Diwali was celebrated at Satyam Vatika. Residents gave a wonderful performance of karate, fire dance and jugglery with a crystal ball.
From 4th to 8th December, Satyam Poornima was conducted at Paduka Darshan to honour the 99th birth anniversary of Sri Swami Satyananda. Swami Niranjan performed Abhishek on twelve Shivalingas and then spoke on the life of Sri Swamiji.
On 23rd December, Sri Swamiji’s Birth- day was celebrated. Swamiji spoke on his relationship with Sri Swamiji and invited acharyas and sannyasins to speak about their experiences with Sri Swamiji.
On 24th and 25th December, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were celebrated with the singing of carols and kirtan, and Swamiji’s satsang.
On 31st December, the outgoing year was celebrated with a look at the lessons learnt and the wish to develop more positivity in the coming year.