Blessing of Inspiration

Swami Satyananda Saraswati

I extend my good feelings and in the name of the Lord I send you the greatest blessing in the form of inspiration so that you may continue your spiritual life with faith and your conviction in the life of yoga becomes consolidated.

In this great country, yoga is coming with a terrific speed, with the same speed with which prosperity came. When I came to Honolulu from Japan, I immediately felt the thirst, the aspiration, the craving and I began to think that the spiritual nature of man, which is eternal, is suffering from instinctive greed for prosperity and materialism. It is not that the Americans are becoming less spiritual, no, they are rediscovering their spirituality. It was there before, it is there in the present, and it shall continue to exist.

Once prosperity begins, man lives in abundance, his thirst for spirituality begins to be felt. It is the right time, and it is the time that in your country, the spiritual movements should glow. Industrial movement is now overlapping into spiritual movement. And this spiritual movement will bring an era of enlightenment and supreme knowledge.

1968, Chicago, USA, published in YOGA Volume 12, No.9, (July 1974)