Sri Swami Vishwananda Saraswati

Sri Swami Vishwananda was the Guru of our beloved Swami Sivananda. He gave him sannyasa initiation on 1st June 1924 at Swarg Ashram, Rishikesh. He met Swami Sivananda only for a day or so and immediately initiated him into the holy Sannyasa Order.

Swami Vishwananda was a great tapasvin. He was apparently of Punjabi origin. He spoke the language well and often quoted in it. He did not marry and lived in the Himalayas, where he spent most of his time immersed in samadhi. It is said that he would sit in samadhi for days, if not weeks on end. He went down to Kashi on a few occasions. He lived to a ripe old age of 115 years. He never looked it however. He seemed like a very fit and strong 45 year old even during his last days. During winter in the Himalayas he never needed clothing. All he wore was his loin cloth.

Swami Vishwananda lived with all creatures in total harmony. He used to converse with the wild animals of the forest. An old bull that was driven off by its owner was fed and cared for by him. He used to take the bull along with him to collect wood.

One day, it appears that a tiger came into their surroundings, and the bull bolted away. When Swami Vishwananda saw the bull running, he confronted the tiger asking it, “Who are you? What are you doing here?” He then yoked the tiger and put it to work since the bull had fled. Later he brought the bull back and all three lived and worked together.

Swami Vishwananda had three disciples – Swami Sivananda, Swami Vidyananda and Swami Vishudananda.

Swami Sivananda and Swami Vidyananda (who resided in Rishikesh and later in Nasik) have thousands of disciples, but Swami Vishudananda has only one disciple, Swami Brahmananda.

A mahatma revealed that after living with and working for Swami Vishwananda for some time, the tiger revealed its true identity as Mother Parvati, and requested him to ask for a boon as She was very pleased with him. Swami Vishwananda responded, “What do I need? What I needed was you, nothing besides that.” The Divine Mother showered Her blessings upon him and withdrew Her vision.

Swami Vishwananda entered into Mahasamadhi about the year 1945 while sitting in the padmasana posture.

Swami Vishwananda was said to be an incarnation of Lord Shiva. When he met Swami Sivananda, the meeting was very brief. Many heard his celestial discourses while he was at Rishikesh and were enlightened and uplifted. While departing from his disciples, Swami Sivananda, Swami Vidyananda and Swami Vishudananda, he told them that he would never meet them again, and that this meeting with them was preordained.

Some of Swami Vishwananda’s teachings were as follows:

  1. One cannot realize God without Divine Grace.
  2. Saints and great souls are God’s representatives, so always look upon them with faith and reverence.
  3. Never try to impress the common man of your greatness by performing miracles.
  4. Intensely visualize the omnipresence of God in all living and non-living beings.
  5. Visualize the entire universe in your own Self.
  6. Do not lose your temper or give vent to anger under any circumstance.
  7. Make the least use of the things you like the best.
  8. Realize the Eternal Light within your own Self.