The Luckiest Day of My Life

Sannyasi Mantrashakti, Mumbai

In August 2004, my daughter and I went to Rikhia to attend the Jhoolan program. We were very excited as it was our first visit to Rikhia and we hoped and prayed for a darshan of Sri Swamiji.

When we arrived, there was a buzz of excitement and flurry of activity as everyone was preparing for one of the most joyous occasions for the whole of humanity. Jhoolan is a festival which celebrates the games played by Lord Krishna in Vrindavan during this youth where it was believed that the used to play on the swings with this consort Radha and the gopis.

After settling in our room, we went to the office and gave a written request for darshan of Sri Swamiji. We were slightly disheartened to hear that he was in reclusion and not meeting anybody. Nevertheless, we kept our hopes up high and joined in the ashram routine wholeheartedly. One morning, after breakfast, a sannyasi came running to me. He asked me, “Where is your daughter? Bring her quickly and stand in this line.” Before I could ask him the reason why, he had disappeared. I ran to our room, pulled my daughter out and stood quietly in the line, my heart bursting with excitement! Could it possibly be that our prayers were being answered?

Soon enough, we were led into a beautiful room where a small group of people were receiving Sri Swamiji’s darshan. My daughter and I sat down gratefully in the last row, soaking in the energy and the grace which was flowing in every direction. It was as if the Heavens Above had opened up and abundance was flowing towards all who were open to receive it!

When I managed to bring my attention back into the room, I observed Sri Swamiji giving a satsang in the centre of the room with Swami Niranjananandaji on one side and Swami Satsangiji on the other. In my mind I thought, ‘I wish Swami Niranjanji guides me for the rest of my life.’ No sooner had I finished thinking the thought in my mind, than Sri Swamiji turned his head towards me and replied, “In this ashram we do not depend on others to guide us. Atmadeepo bhava – Awaken the light within.” I was stunned beyond words. Did he just read my mind?

Before I could absorb the depth of the tremendous blessing I had just received, Sri Swamiji turned his attention towards my daughter. He enquired about her school in Mumbai and revived his own memories of his visits to Mumbai. He blessed her nature saying that she is peaceful, cool headed and of good character. Foreseeing abundance in her future, he blessed her to share it with others. As for me – time had stood still. I had received more than what I had asked for and my gratitude knew no bounds.

All too soon the satsang was over and we all filed out in a straight line. I managed to gather back my senses and saw Swami Niranjanji walking past. Feeling my heart overflowing with gratitude, I said, “Thank you.” He replied, “For what? You were just plain lucky.” And I thanked the Lord for the luckiest day of my life.