As part of the Guru Poornima digital prasad 2021, the updated version of the Bihar Yoga app was launched. Yoga aspirants from around the world used the occasion to strengthen their connection with the Masters and derive inspiration from their teachings. Within two weeks of the launch, the app was downloaded by almost 30,000 yoga aspirants from the following 111 countries:
Albania | Czech Republic | Kyrgyzstan | Russia |
Andorra | Congo | Latvia | Saudi Arabia |
Andorra | Denmark | Lebanon | Serbia |
Argentina | Dominican Republic | Lithuania | Singapore |
Armenia | Ecuador | Luxembourg | Slovakia |
Australia | Egypt | Macau | Slovenia |
Austria | Finland | Malaysia | South Africa |
Azerbaijan | France | Maldives | South Korea |
Bahrain | Georgia | Mali | Spain |
Bangladesh | Germany | Malta | Sri Lanka |
Belarus | Ghana | Mauritius | Sweden |
Belgium | Greece | Mexico | Switzerland |
Bolivia | Guatemala | Montenegro | Taiwan |
Bosnia | Hong Kong | Morocco | Tanzania |
Botswana | Hungary | Nepal | Thailand |
Brazil | Iceland | Netherlands | Trinidad and Tobago |
Bulgaria | India | New Zealand | Turkey |
Burkina Faso | Indonesia | New Zealand | Ukraine |
Cambodia | Iran | Norway | United Arab Emirates |
Cameroon | Ireland | Oman | United Kingdom |
Canada | Isle of Man | Pakistan | United States of America |
Chile | Israel | Panama | Uruguay |
China | Israel | Peru | Vietnam |
Colombia | Japan | Philippines | Zimbabwe |
Costa Rica | Jersey | Poland | |
Côte d’Ivoire | Kazakhstan | Portugal | |
Croatia | Kenya | Puerto Rico | |
Curaçao | Kosovo | Qatar | |
Cyprus | Kuwait | Romania |
Also about 3,000 new aspirants from 69 countries accessed the Satyam Yoga Prasad website or app during this period.