As part of the Guru Poornima digital prasad 2021, the updated version of the Bihar Yoga app was launched. Yoga aspirants from around the world used the occasion to strengthen their connection with the Masters and derive inspiration from their teachings. Within two weeks of the launch, the app was downloaded by almost 30,000 yoga aspirants from the following 111 countries:

Albania Czech Republic Kyrgyzstan Russia
Andorra Congo Latvia Saudi Arabia
Andorra Denmark Lebanon Serbia
Argentina Dominican Republic Lithuania Singapore
Armenia Ecuador Luxembourg Slovakia
Australia Egypt Macau Slovenia
Austria Finland Malaysia South Africa
Azerbaijan France Maldives South Korea
Bahrain Georgia Mali Spain
Bangladesh Germany Malta Sri Lanka
Belarus Ghana Mauritius Sweden
Belgium Greece Mexico Switzerland
Bolivia Guatemala Montenegro Taiwan
Bosnia Hong Kong Morocco Tanzania
Botswana Hungary Nepal Thailand
Brazil Iceland Netherlands Trinidad and Tobago
Bulgaria India New Zealand Turkey
Burkina Faso Indonesia New Zealand Ukraine
Cambodia Iran Norway United Arab Emirates
Cameroon Ireland Oman United Kingdom
Canada Isle of Man Pakistan United States of America
Chile Israel Panama Uruguay
China Israel Peru Vietnam
Colombia Japan Philippines Zimbabwe
Costa Rica Jersey Poland  
Côte d’Ivoire Kazakhstan Portugal  
Croatia Kenya Puerto Rico  
Curaçao Kosovo Qatar  
Cyprus Kuwait Romania  


Also about 3,000 new aspirants from 69 countries accessed the Satyam Yoga Prasad website or app during this period.