Going with Determination

Sannyasi Vivekamani, New Delhi, India

The Munger Yoga Symposium 2018 has been a path-breaking event in the lives of all of us who witnessed and participated in it. The immaculate execution of the program indicated that the vision of a sage cannot be anything but Satyam-Shivam-Sundaram. It felt like Swamiji envisioned everything in one glimpse in his meditation and conceptualized the whole of yoga vidya in a language that would make it available to people of the present age. The mystical wisdom of yoga was taught to us in a manner that made those deep, ancient concepts crystal clear.

We are so fortunate to receive this great vidya directly from the masters, and there is a commitment to inculcate it in our lives. All of us go with determination to follow the mandate of our Swami Niranjan to turn our lifestyle into a yogic lifestyle by integrating the six yogas of the Yoga Chakra into our daily life. The practices have been given and are further made accessible through Satyam Yoga Prasad. We go bathed in blessings, love and inspiring energy created during the Symposium to do our best in living the life of a true practitioner of yoga vidya.