My first yoga class was enough to understand that yoga is what I need. I will never forget the dominating feeling in me after the yoga classes on Fridays, light as a feather and with a smile, no matter how exhaustive the week had been, the amazing feeling of the flexibility and endurance of my body, the possibility to calm down my mind and my emotions and to concentrate myself.
The course 'Yoga for Pregnant Women' was one of the most wonderful presents which I could give to myself, while I was pregnant with my first child. I soon understood that the gift was not only for me but for my baby, for my husband and for all the people around me. This course gave me calmness, confidence and knowledge for the coming event. I was free of fear. Until the last day of my pregnancy I didn't feel any heaviness in my body and was in an amazing mood. One of the things which inspired me very much was the way our teacher spoke about pregnancy and childbirth, as the most sacred experience (it really was like that) and of the woman as a connection between God and humans. Day by day I realized the miracles yoga does and I feel very grateful.
On the day of the delivery everything went off smoothly, I was calm and by means of breathing I managed to control the pain during the contractions. On this special day I was together with my husband. He helped me with the asanas which we had practised at the course and the truth is that we really had fun ourselves. The day our child was born was the most sacred and happiest day of my life. I don't remember pain, only happiness!
The most precious thing yoga gave me was the awareness of how important a peaceful mind is, free of excess emotions and how important the correct care of the human body is as an instrument.
Now, when I am taking care of my child, I feel even more tangibly the benefits of the yoga practices, they help me to assist myself to be a healthy, rested and well-balanced mother and wife.
I believe that yoga will always be part of my life, because it is close to my heart and has a positive influence on my thinking, health and my whole life.