Should a yoga teacher take an initiative to make others interested in yoga or teach only those who come with a genuine interest in yoga because then the receptivity will be better?
The responsibility of a yoga teacher has become much more important and much greater than it was a few years ago. Even now there are people, at least in this country, who feel that yoga is just a physical exercise and has much less to do with the self-formation and social renaissance.
When you will realize that yoga deals not only with the body but also with the mind, that it does not merely deal with the conscious mind but also with the subconscious and unconscious mind, then you must be convinced that the practice of yoga can go much deeper in the reformation of yourself and of society.
Therefore, the role of a yoga teachers is a stupendous one. They have to take up this work very aggressively, in true earnest. They can definitely make it a profession if they like but there has to be honesty and sincerity and total devotion in this profession as well.
10 June 1987, Ganga Darshan, Munger