Prayer to a Tree

Jignasu Madhumati, Australia

I come to sit before you, and I wonder what you are.
I look up and see your limbs quietly watching over the birds and
insects you shelter, and I feel your natural giving.
I look down and see your firm and steady trunk,
and I feel your solid support.
I close my eyes and see your roots, sinking deep into the earth,
and I feel your hidden strength.
But still I do not know you.
I see your leaves move, watch you playing with the wind,
and I imagine your subtle breath, moving in and out.
You are breathing in, you are breathing out,
and I too am breathing in, I too am breathing out.
I breathe in the air you give, and breathing out I give to you.
You receive the air from me, and breathing out you give to me.
And I’m amazed —
Just by breathing, just by being, you nourish me,
And just by breathing, just by being, I can nourish you.
I am breathing in, you are breathing out,
You are breathing in, I am breathing out.
I breathe through you, and you through me,
But still I do not know you.
Breathing together, the breath flows on,
To me from you, to you from me, in and out, out and in,
And I understand that the spark of life in you
is the spark of life in me.
My breath is your breath, my Mother is your Mother,
And you and your Mother are One.
And now there is only one breath, and I know that You are me.
Breathing in, breathing out, I am everything, I am nothing.
I am Om.