
"I am an invisible child of a thousand faces of love, that floats over the swirling sea of life, surrounded by the meadows of the winged shepherds, where stillness of midnight summer's warmth pervades. Strength lies in the magnification of the secret qualities of my own personality, my own character, and though I am only a messenger, I am me.

Let me decorate many hearts and paint a thousand faces with colours of inspiration and soft silent sounds of value. Let me be like a child, and run barefoot through the forest of laughing and crying people, giving flowers of imagination and wonder, that God gives free.

Shall I fall on bended knees and wait for someone to bless me with happiness and a life of golden dreams? No. I shall run into the desert of life with my arms open, sometimes falling, sometimes stumbling, but always picking myself up, a thousand times if necessary. Often life will burn me; often life will caress me tenderly. Many of my days shall be haunted by complications and obstacles, and there will be moments so beautiful my soul shall weep in ecstasy.

I shall be a witness, but never shall I run or turn from life, from me. Never shall I forsake myself or the timeless lessons I have taught myself, nor shall I let the value of divine inspiration and being be lost. My rainbow covered bubble shall carry me further than beyond the horizon's settings, forever to serve, to love, and to live as a sannyasin."