To gain freedom, vision and higher inspiration,
Why do you look away from your own roots?
Life in India is yet rich and abundant.
Her ills are merely psychological,
Imported with foreign technocratic vision,
Give them scant consideration.
The transcendental life alone is real
And ever close at hand.Have faith in this alone,
Let it not slip from your view.
India's destiny remains assured,
Sustained and protected by the vision
Of siddhas, yogis and seers innumerable
Who have walked this ground
And foreseen all that is to come.
Partake of this grand, sustaining vision;
Swaroop Darshan.Direct your gaze upon Bihar,
Fertile womb of spirit-culture,
Backward? Nay, timeless is a better definition,
Where God touches men's lives daily
By virtue of their acceptance,
Surrender and simple faith.
Here beside Mother Ganga,
Bliss is for the taking,
Come and gaze at reality anew.
Here is eternity, the immortal vision.To live in Ganga Darshan,
When all is said and done,
Is sufficient and enough.
Ashram life is fullness within itself.
Guru fills all to capacity,
Nay to overflowing
But first we must each become
A suitable vessel to hold his grace.Of every state of consciousness,
Of every world and loka,
Human birth is the ultimate,
Beyond value and compare,
Alike the blazing sun.
Verily the whole universe envies you.
Samadhi, moksha, nirvana
Are yours for the very grasping.This is the greatest of all secrets.
Therefore seize the opportunity,
Enjoy your life, don't suffer it.
This is the tantric edict.
Use the senses, to gain knowledge
Not for pleasure's sake,
And the wealth of heaven and earth
Alike will accrue to you.How merciful to the men of this dark yuga
Is she from whom yoga has been born.
Lead others to this cosmic vision.
Help those yet crossing the valley
Of self-created torments and self-imagined pains.
Teach yoga, most potent of all medicines,
Most priceless of all gifts.
Yoga bestows the timeless vision and
Enlightens the unconscious, sleeping kundalini,
To reveal the universal mind in operation,
So full of wonders - that is God.
Yoga must be written upon
The four walls of the universe.