
In the doctrine of the Kapilikas, amaroli is the drinking of the midstream, leaving the first for it is too pungent (too much bile) and the last, which is useless. He who drinks amaroli, snuffs it daily, and practices vajroli, is said to be practicing amaroli.

Hatha Yoga Pradipika 3:96-97

Amaroli is the ancient tantric and yogic technique which incorporates the use of urine for fulfilling vajroli kriya. Amaroli comes from the root word amara which means 'immortality, undying, imperishable'. Amaroli was therefore a technique designed to bring about immortality. It was used in conjunction with tantric kundalini kriyas in an attempt to purify the body so that consciousness could expand to its original and cosmic state.

Because amaroli was originally a spiritual practice rather than a method of treatment, it was accepted and widely used by the yogis and rishis of old, but not by the general populace, and hence it fell into disuse. Recently, however, as yoga and tantra have gained worldwide acceptance and esteem, amaroli has re-emerged as one of the most useful techniques, and many people are now interested in its practical application. Here at Bihar School of Yoga we have been watching this revival with great interest and have noticed that generally the therapeutic aspect of amaroli is being practiced without its previous association with vajroli. Since the first contemporary book The Water of Life - A Treatise on Urine Therapy was written by J. W. Armstrong, many others have followed. This is especially so in India where the connections between amaroli, Sanskrit and yogic texts, as well as the need for inexpensive yet effective medication was quickly recognized. In l967 R. V. Karlekar wrote Auto-Urine Cure and this was followed in 1973 by R. M. Patel's Manav Mootra. Just recently a magazine entitled Auto-Urine Therapy has commenced publication in Bombay. The publisher of this magazine, Acharya Jagdish B., has also recently printed Practical Guide to Auto Urine Therapy - Treatment and Diet.

These books and magazines present a sizeable number of case histories and some amazing claims, for example, the cure of cancer, gangrene and tuberculosis, which have had a considerable impact on the public. Many people have experimented with this technique, some with good results and some with bad. However, the subject still remains wide open; as yet no conclusive proof has been offered that amaroli works or that it doesn't work.

With these thoughts in mind, Swami Satyananda Saraswati decided to pool the resources of the IYFM Research Coordinating Centre in an all-out effort to fully research this important subject and to re-introduce amaroli as part of our ancient yogic heritage, bringing it back into its true perspective. Using the expertise of doctors, scientists, psychologists, natural therapists and other specialists, Swamiji initiated various researches in both the theoretical and practical aspects. This work culminated in a seminar on amaroli in which the opinion of non-scientifically oriented people was also sought. Swamiji's inspiration and presence in all these spheres was the focusing point for everyone concerned.

Whether the interest shown by all those involved in this research and by the general public grows into a revolutionary phase in the evolution of our society, the healing professions in particular, is in the hands of time and those proponents who not only have the courage and conviction to partake of their own water, but also to scientifically research its beneficial effects. Having utilized these techniques ourselves, we feel that the time has come to accept that amaroli is probably a valid therapy and to scientifically investigate its effects as a healing agent as well as a spiritual practice.