Yoga and Acupuncture

Dr Hiroshi Motoyama, President of the International Association for Religion and Parapsychology, Japan, states:

The theory and system of a school of Indian medicine which included the chakra and nadi system was imported into China in the civil wars or before it. The theory of the nadi was completed as the medical treatment system of acupuncture, having 'mefidians' (keiraku) and the points along the meridians (keiketsu). Chinese acupuncture teaches us that the keiraku (meridians) are the transmission system through which ki and ketsu (corresponding to the prana of yoga) flow.*1

Dr Motoyama goes on to state that energy (ki/prana) first appears in the area called chukan which is at the level of the navel and corresponds to manipura chakra, the center of fire in the body. There are many other similarities in the two systems. For example, one acupuncture meridian, called sancho-ke, includes along its course anahata chakra (corresponding to danchu of acupuncture), manipura chakra (chukan) and swadisthana chakra (kangen). Dr Motoyama also states that it is important to note that "the above mentioned keiraku and keiketsu, nadi and chakra points, were recognized os assured of existence only through extrasensory experience or certain clinical experience."*2 As a result of this, he has undertaken to scientifically verify the existence and working of meridians and acupuncture points, nadis and chakras.

To achieve this he selected three groups from one hundred members of a yoga meeting.

  • Group A - the yogi group, in whom chakra, were clearly awakened.
  • Group B - chakras lightly awakened.
  • Group C - chakras not yet awakened.

Regarding this selection, Dr Motoyama states: "How to distinguish the person as having awakened chakras depends on one's psychic experience."*3

In his experiment he utilized galvanic skin resistance (GSR) electroencephalogram (EEG) and plethysmogram to indirectly verify the existence of the chakras through the stimulation of acupuncture (viscero-cutaneous) points on the skin. His results show that people with awakened chakras show a wider activity of the autonomic nervous system than that of ordinary persons. His experimental work points towards the fact that a chakra's awakening accelerates "the function of the internal organs or autonomic nerves corresponding to the awakened chakras". For example, people with an awakened anahata (heart) chakra showed circulatory and respiratory imbalance only. The imbalance is only relative to the normal person, however, whose chakras are not opened.

From the above experiments we can extrapolate that when chakras, whirling energy vortices, awaken, they charge the psycho-physiological system with energy which animates the body organs and organ systems. This energy is transmitted via the nervous and nadi systems which become more active. Correlating this with other researchers, the effects on consciousness are seen to be of expansion and greater freedom. Thus, the usual repressive and neurotic mechanisms of the normal individual, which are mirrored in the body as inflexible, stiff, uncoordinated, uncontrolled function and movement, are replaced by increased control, flexibility, understanding and awareness, and a more healthy state ensues. The fact that such differences do exist requires further scientific evaluation to substantiate Dr Motoyama's unique and valuable research.

The correlation of nadis, acupuncture meridians and physiological body reactions opens up a great deal of potential especially in terms of healing and diagnosis. For this reason Dr Motoyama has invented a sensitive machine for measuring galvanic skin resistance, designed to measure electrical resistance in each finger and toe. According to acupuncture there are six meridians in each hand and foot. By correlating changes in resistance, we can determine autonomic nervous system states and correlate changes in them with stimulation of the acupuncture points on meridians associated with the fingers and toes. Comparison between left and right sides of the body can also made so that imbalances can be determined.

Dr Motoyama discovered that when an individual has subjective symptoms of disease in a specific organ, the difference between the corresponding meridian on the right and on the left it shown as a certain value on hit skin galvanometer. Conversely, he also found that a person without subjective symptoms who showed a difference between left and right aides had an illness in the associated organ as proved through medical examination such as X-ray, biochemical examination, etc.

Thus, Dr Motoyama appears to have made a discovery of vast significance to the medical and healing fraternity. In effect, he has used a simple, inexpensive tool, the galvanic skin resistance meter, to measure each finger and has correlated his findings with acupuncture and allopathy. In this way, he arrived at a new diagnostic technique, with application for both therapeutic and preventive medicine. Dr Motoyama has effectively blended yoga, acupuncture, modern science and healing, and come up with a homogeneous, practical and expanded system of holistic medicine that demands further research, evaluation and application. From this approach will emerge a better understanding of the cause of disease. The relationship of various healing systems, both ancient and modern, and a broader spectrum of therapeutic approach to various diseases, many of which elude cure and cause both doctor and patient untold time loss and suffering. "When the vital force will be taken up as the most important research subject in medicine, and when the scientific research on keiraku and chakra has made much more progress than in the present research, it will be possible for western medicine and medicine of keiraku and chakra (psyphysiology) to form one whole system."*4


*1 H. Motoyama, Chakra, Nadi of Yoga and Meridians, Points of Acupuncture - Points where the Western Medicine, the Chinese Medicine and the Indian Yoga meet each other {Secrets of the Correlation between Mind and Body, The Institute of Religious Psychology, Tokyo, Japan, 1972.

*2,*3,*4 ibid.

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