What does a doctor do when he feels that a patient under his treatment should be sent to another for better treatment and quicker recovery? If he is sincere and has sympathy for his patient, he will decidedly refer him to another doctor whom he considers more suitable. If he is more worldly and thinks only in terms of his own personal loss and gain he will hesitate a hundred times in doing so. He will think that such a course of action may affect him adversely, may help to ruin his reputation and thereby reduce the number of patients that come to him. Sending the patient beyond his own orbit of influence may mean that he loses him forever. Referring a case may even cost the doctor his professional prestige. The doctor to whom the case is referred may utilize the occasion to add to his own glory by alleging that the other doctor is unfit and incompetent. Hence, instead of referring the case to another, the first doctor may impose a firmer grip on his patient so that he doesn't lose him. So, an individual case may end in tragedy. A case is usually referred to another doctor only when there is external pressure to do so, pressure from the doctor's own inner compulsions, if the patient makes absolutely no improvement and sadly deteriorates, or when the doctor is fed-up with frequent visits by the patient.
When I speak of better treatment I mean:
The modern scientific system of healing is called allopathy. Opponents of this 'pathy' allege that the system is neither modern nor scientific. But such an observation is not correct or meaningful. Allopathy is based on continued, systematic and scientific investigation and study. The results of these investigations and controlled studies are verified by scientific neutrality without prejudice.
Unfortunately, science itself is incomplete. Hence knowledge derived through science is also incomplete and no final word can be said about the true state of things. We can say that knowledge obtained through science is only 'half truth'. This is so because it is based on data received through our senses and no matter how unbiased we are, we nevertheless explain things according to our suppositions and preconceived notions. Hence, we can't say without reservation that a specific law or theory explains the real state of things and that there is no possible variation or exception.
In the science of the human body, the uncertainty is even deeper. The picture of an organ presented by a magnifying glass is vastly different to that presented by an electron microscope, and more uncertainties and difficulties arise when treating a patient. The most important fact is that the patient is not the body alone, hence it does not suffice to think only about the structure and constitution of the body. He has a mind which is composed of a vast network of interrelated thoughts. The mind is influenced by pleasant and unpleasant experiences, environment and personality. Also there are innumerable problems of life which influence the patient. Financial condition, fears, loss of faith, responsibilities and so forth, all have an influence on his health. The patient's own concept about his disease, his thoughts about the doctor who treats him and about the people who look after him, and the thoughts of well-wishers all react on his condition. When these factors are considered, one will come to realize that the science of healing is both difficult and mysterious.
Diseases which express themselves in the human body have different characteristics. If two persons suffer from the same disease, the characteristics of the disease will not be the same. No two people have ever suffered the same disease in an identical manner. In the same way, the same drug produces different effects in different persons. A drug which proves beneficial for one patient can work as a poison in another suffering from the same disease. It is now well known that whilst penicillin cures one, it can kill another. Only one injection of penicillin is enough to cause death. It is true that such cases are rare, yet who knows in whose case it will happen and who will take the risk having known this fact.
Details of allopathic medicine are given in the British Encyclopaedia of Medicine and other related, authorized publications while homoeopathy, ayurveda, unani and other 'pathies' are lightly disregarded as instruments of unskilled quacks and tricksters. The same attitude holds true for healing systems such as mesmerism, astrology, yoga, acupuncture, chiropractic and so forth. These systems seem to utilize strange techniques, often beyond the understanding of most people. Yet it is worthwhile mentioning that allopathic medicine also makes use of many strange things (including plastic surgery, electrical impulses and so many others) during treatments. The use of such things is known as 'minute' medicine. Perhaps each healing system, including allopathy, is equally strange.
On the basis of my experience during the last thirty years of medical practice, I have arrived at the following conclusions:
So often, it has been my experience and that of my patients that every healing system or 'pathy' has its own limitations. There is no 'pathy' which is self-sufficient and able to treat all kinds of disease. If the treatment of a disease is not possible in one 'pathy', it may be possible with another 'pathy'. While taking medical care of a patient we have to keep in view his temperament, likes and dislikes, responsibilities and the best course of treatment for him.
On the basis of my personal experience, I am of the opinion that a new system of healing should usher in the coming age of enlightened thinking. It should be called 'polypathy' - multifaceted treatment. This system of healing can be adopted in all parts of the world.
The fundamental requirements of 'polypathy' are:
To make the possibilities of polypathy a little clearer, I would like to give the following examples:
Only in this way can an effective treatment be prescribed, health restored in the shortest time and the use of costly and poisonous medicines be avoided. Ultimately, I have arrived at these conclusions:
Polypathy is a synthesis of all currently known 'pathies'. It should be made easily available, easily applicable, effective and specifically for the well-being of humanity. All will be benefited by polypathy, both individuals and society as a whole.
I would appreciate suggestions and comments by readers of this article. In spite of my limited resources, I have already started my journey into this unknown sphere. In order to make polypathy a reality and a World-wide healing system, I welcome co-operation in any form from doctors, experienced persons, friends and well-wishers.