True education is that which caters to the need of this age. The concept of education changes from time to time. Some educationalists say that happiness and some say that perfection should be the aim of education. Thus we see diverse aims of education have been put forward by educational thinkers. All these concepts agreed to, it can not be denied, that ideal education is that which ensures happiness, brings about a balanced and harmonious all round development of its pupils.
Now the question arises whether the modern education meets the demand of the day. The condition of our education and educational institutions today is most shocking and disappointing. Our educational institutions have become place of anti-social activities, agitations, demonstrations and what not. We have made a mess of education by our fickle policies, frequent changes, nepotism and favouritism, etc. New changes came and went with the education ministers, particularly in M.P. In the recent past the educational policy has been that of trial and error resulting in a hodgepodge.
Now-a-days we are a witness to an ever increasing unreal and discontent in our youth. This, in my opinion, is both a symptom and an illness in itself, which requires immediate attention of those in power in particular. Today, they say, is job oriented. But it rarely leads one to obtaining a job. Hence there is an ever growing problem of education unemployment. In fact education does not give a programme or a guarantee to the students. Hence we find lack of interest in our students. It does not go to prove that our students are incapable, weak, or unfit for education. There is vast reservoir of energy, talent and interest in them, but we have failed to give proper channel and guidance to their immense energy. That is the reason we see our students wandering and agitating on the roads. The need today is to control discipline and utilize these sources of energy in our students.
This is not the burning problem of India alone, but of the whole world. Our leaders and thinkers are disturbed over this problem and are busy in searching out a solution to this malady.
If we really want to curb the growing unrest and frustration among our youth, we will have to become aware of the agitated cerebral centres and control them in such a manner that the students themselves will hate that attitude which causes agitations. Here arises the need of introducing Yoga in education. Students must be trained through the practice of Asanas, Pranayamas and Meditation to become aware that they can perform valuable service for which they will be willing to accept responsibilities. Yoga is a message of hope offered to humanity shaken by terrible conflicts. Yoga is an inner awakening. By practicing simple Yogic exercises regularly a balance is achieved. Mind and body are relaxed and free from tension. Meditational practices bring about clarity of thought, self confidence, cheerfulness and sharp memory. So far as these qualities are concerned, Yoga goes hand in hand with education. Yoga propagates the ideas of brotherhood peace and world unity and these are the things with we and the world need badly today. In its truest essence, education too aims at these ideals.
Our Problem today is that of hatred and disharmony. The Science of Yoga can correct these. It can help correct our damaged body and nerves and prolong our lives. We have introduced many in our educational set up, but we did not give them proper trial. Hence they did not yield the desired result.
The need of the day is a Yoga oriented educational pattern. Yoga had been the guiding motto of our education in the ancient past, so it never failed to fulfil the expectations of the society.
The western countries have become alive to the potency and utility of Yoga, whereas we, whose cultural heritage Yoga is, have not yet even thought of giving Yoga its due place in our education. In the west we can see Science of Yoga growing not like a fashion but like a powerful wave. In Australia we see Yoga training being imparted on a mass scale to every youth right from the primary to the University stage. In America in every jail and lunatic asylum there are Yoga teachers to give these mentally ill persons Yoga training. It is therefore in the best interest of our country to give Yoga a serious thought and the sooner we do it, better would it be for our fortune.
Introducing Yoga into educational system does not require drawing plans and imparting Yoga training to our teachers in Kulu, Kashmir or Mussorie. Nor does it require huge monetary allocation. All that is required is a determined effort and execution. Simple practices of Surya Namaskar, preliminary Asanas, concentration and Karma Yoga can bring about wonderful results.
Yoga today is the dire necessity of our education. It deserves serious consideration by our educationalists, thinkers and especially those in power. Yoga has great possibilities, solutions and a hope.
Shall we therefore not tap this source for the betterment of one and all. Shall we sit silent allowing the sorry state of affairs to assume any dimension.