Wheat Grass - an Indigenous Home Remedy

M. L. Awasthy

In Gujarat and many other parts of India wheat grass, Javara, has been grown and worshipped both by married and unmarried women and girls. It has its religious aspect too. But now by various experiment it has come to our knowledge that wheat grass grown indoors has a great medicinal utility. It is found to be greatly rich in all minerals and vitamins required by the human anatomy. The juice of 5 to 7 inches long wheat grass grown under the roof has a great nutritional value. It is said that it surpasses all vitaminized tonics so far known to the medical science.

Food grains grown by the use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides, processed food articles, cakes and bread, badly miss the contents and qualities so very essential for our body. The result of consuming such food stuffs is a lack of vital energy and a considerable fall in our working capacity. We fall an easy prey to various diseases.

Wheat grass juice, as said above, contains all the required salts, minerals, vitamins and enzymes which keep us healthy and enable us to resist the onset of various diseases. Hundreds of chronic diseases are cured by it in a wonderfully short period. Even hopelessly serious cases of several diseases have been seen to have quickly recovered by the use of wheat grass juice.

It is inexpensive and within reach of one and all. The rich and the poor equally can derive the desired benefits from it. Wheat grass of the height of 5 to 7 inches may be pulled out root and all. It should be either crushed and juice extracted or chewed like betel. The juice is to be taken soon after extraction. In the beginning one may not relish it. To improve the taste sugar, jaggery or salt may be added to it or it may be diluted with water and honey. With honey its therapeutic value increases.

To begin with, one can take an ounce or a half and gradually increase the quantity. It may be taken at least twice a day or more if possible. Maybe in the beginning some sort of unpleasant reactions appear, but they will soon disappear when one gets used to it. These signs indicate the presence of unhealthy ingredients in our blood and the appearance of such consequences is nothing but a process of their elimination from and purification of the blood.

Some of the many difficulties complained of in getting the wheat grass to grow indoors may easily be got rid of with a determined effort to obtain this medically so rich and valuable but inexpensive indigenous remedy.

There is no bar of age or sex for using it. Anyone who has deplorably, lost health, energy and vitality and is disappointed from all therapies may use it and derive rapid cure and many more benefits from it. If healthy ones use it, they may maintain sound health and vigour. It prevents and cures a number of diseases.

Those who can not provide milk, curd, butter, ghee and fruits to their growing children can very well substitute all these by a regular use of wheat grass juice. It is said that by the use of the wheat grass pulp after extraction, sore abscesses and sinuses are rapidly healed.

To derive the best results it may be taken on an empty stomach or if not possible, for half an hour before and after its use eatables and edibles should be avoided.

The wheat grass is a complete therapy in itself. Its many sided advantages may well be experienced after use rather than described.